Posted by Paulie ( on March 23, 2001 at 23:20:32:
Out of the blue I got an e-mail asking me if I was wlling to sell ALice and if so for how much?!!.... I was VERY polite in telling them that Alice would not be for sale in any forseeable future BUT I could point them in the directions of a great place to look for a Maverick...
Maybe NOT so out of the blue tho'.... On ST. Paddy's day I actually ran into whassisface (the X of long ago, long time MMB visitors know about THAT one) aka Alice's former owner... we actually chatted for a bit (the C*** had fallen by the wayside Hahahahah!) and I updated him about Alice... grabber hood, 302 v-8... He-he-he....
I gave him my 'card' that has my e-mail on it (says 'proud owner of 69.5 resto-mod Maverick 'Alice' '...) just for laughs...
Of course I've not heard back... from "either" person....