The week Alice came home...

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Posted by Paulie *BEG* ( on March 23, 2001 at 23:27:33:

In Reply to: Perhaps his "hotrodmalibu" (check his email addy)... posted by Ron S. on March 22, 2001 at 20:42:42:

I was at the proverbial stop light and this little s***-head pulls up next to me in his 70 somethin' POS.. it LOOKS rather nice and poor Alice is about 4 different colours right now and looking a bit rough...He looks over at me and I can see him laughing... at least until the light turns green... unfortunately, you can't catch expressions in your rearview when they're 50+ feet behind.... I let him ALMOST catch up then put the foot down another half inch.... Poor baby...ust have been the fact that he couldn't push it uphill fast enough.... I let him catch up after that just so I could flash him a *BEG!!*

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