Re: Are people jealous of Mavericks or what?

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Posted by Stefan Thibeault ( on March 24, 2001 at 22:11:28:

In Reply to: Are people jealous of Mavericks or what? posted by Ryan on March 24, 2001 at 20:03:57:

I gave it a 10. I love the way your car is lowered with the 16" wheels. Thats the way Im going to go with my Mav...

: I put a picture of my Mav on It is a site where you rate cars From 1 to 10, and it is seperated into categories. Out of 80 something judgings I only have 5 tens (which I appreciate) but 11 1's, and an average of 5.26. Well I guess I can't feel too bad, the Viper is only scoring 6.

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