Re: got a small problem here guys

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Posted by Ken ( on March 26, 2001 at 22:11:04:

In Reply to: got a small problem here guys posted by retoocs on March 26, 2001 at 02:46:26:

I saw your post around 4am this morning and waited so others had a chance to weigh in on the situation.
First it would be helpful to know if you used a motor/trans assembly complete from a donor car, where the TV linkage come from etc.
If the trans has about 90000 mi +/- there is a good chance it's at the end of the useful life and needs to be rebuilt.
The TV link has to move with the throttle movement as this action changes the trans pump pressure. If the pressure is to low the internal valving,band servos etc.
will not work correctly if at all and result in those things discribed.
Low pressure can cause distruction of bands and clutches. If the trans is hi milage it would'nt take much to have this happen.
If we assume that the trans has not been damaged or is not already in trouble then disconnect the TV cable then get under the car and see where the lever comes to rest.
Then check how much travel there is in the other direction. Mark the 1/2 way point. Reconnect cable and adjust to that 1/2 way point up at the carb. Start the engine,
select OD or Drive and see if it drops in like it normally would feel. If yes,drive a short distance under light throttle to check for shifting. If it feels right by
shifting pronounced your home.If mushy then adjust in the direction of higher pressure and the shifts will get more positive. If so don't overdo this to the point of
harshness. Were looking for a smooth but firm shifting.
If making these adjustment results in no reasonable change then the trans in in trouble.
Of course the fluid level must be at least between the marks on the dipstick. Recheck the shif linkage operation so you know where Neutral is and the other gear positions.
I can't stress enough that under taking these kinds of mods in a car needs to be quite well understood or these difficulties will come into play as when it comes repair time
under normal circumstances its you that has to see that it gets repaired.
This about all I can offer and hope very much that the trans is good.
Good luck and remember about the relationship that needs to exist with the TV adjustment and donot alter the linkage at the carb from the factory setup for lever lengths etc.
as this would alter cable travel distance.

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