Re: To MaverickMan:

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Posted by Maverick Man ( on March 27, 2001 at 14:13:34:

In Reply to: To MaverickMan: posted by Richard Parson on March 27, 2001 at 01:27:33:

It has a 245/45 so remember the series is only 45. Riken, Falken, BFG makes this size. Now the height on the tire with the Maverick is the problem that you will have with rubbing. Most if they run 15s in the front put skinnys like 195s/70 or 205s/70 because this is nothing out there on the market that is any wider then that…. that will fit that is (at least that my research). However, some put 225s / 60 - 14s on the front of there Mav for the "wide" look and 15s in the rear with either J60s, G60s, 235s, 245, or 255s. I should know I had both those combinations. That's why I went with 16s, they have a tire that is wide. Compare the height between the two (225/60 and 245/45) and you will find that height its very close. The wheel off set is a factor too. I run 16x7s just use the same off set as the rear and it will work. Now it also depends how low your car is in the front . Mine is lowered so I just rolled the inside of the fender a bit. I know some would cringe at this but hey, my Maverick is far from stock anyway. FYI you can roll a fender clean without rippling the fender too. However ever if your car isn't lowered it won't rub. Also ask that dude Ryan that is on this board I know he has 16s on his ride too however I don't know what size tire he runs. I am going to shoot some detailed pictures of my car because it seems many have questions about the tires and suspension etc. So as soon as I get some time I will put the pics up on the net. However you can see a real detailed shot of the tire on the cover of HOT ROD Jan 2000 as well as the my home page. Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions. Good Luck!

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