Very cool idea, but................

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Posted by Jay Allen ( on March 28, 2001 at 23:39:18:

In Reply to: Mav Tailight Idea, What Do You Think? posted by Jeri on March 28, 2001 at 18:05:39:

The only problem I can see w/ this idea would be that what ever part of the plastic would have a darker appearnace when the lights are off during the day, and at night when your lights are on, it will look kind of lop-sided, also I dont know where you live, but out here the cops are really into giving people tickets for not being able to see enough of there tailights, thanx to all the rice burners. You might be able to fabricate a thin sheet of aluminum or something of that nature and cut the design out w/ a plasma cutter or a coping saw of some sort.

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