Re: This is insane! (header question)

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Posted by Old Guy ( on March 03, 2001 at 16:41:18:

In Reply to: Re: This is insane! (header question) posted by Larry Pomorski on March 02, 2001 at 00:01:17:

: By the way I've got a Hurst floor shifter
: controlling the C4, so the stock linkages
: are long since gone.
: Thanks!

Since you have stated that you have manual steering now, I am sure you have taken out the slave cyl. and replaced it with the proper center link which requires no drop bracket. Are you trying to install the header from topside or from underneath? I have an idea that maybe the problem lies there. My experience with 302 conversions is that to install the drivers side header the engine must be raised a little and the header installed from below. In my Mav's using Hedmans, there was no other way to do it. The steering box is always in the way of installation. After raising engine and putting the header in, hang it on front and rear bolt only(loose) then return engine to the mounts and bolt up. You will see that after installation the steering box is barely clearing the tube. Very frustrating job but if you take your time and work at it, everything should fit. Hope this gives some ray of sunshine to your problem.

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