Re: redoing the interior questions?????????

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Posted by Mavstang73 ( on March 31, 2001 at 02:53:03:

In Reply to: redoing the interior questions????????? posted by shannon on March 31, 2001 at 00:14:38:

: my headliner is falling apart (big surprise there), my seats need to be redone, the dash looks like crap (aside from the dash pad that i found in a junkyard), the dash it's self looks bad, and the door panels are missing the arm rests and just look bad.

: how much (on average) does it cost to redo this?

: and can i get the door panels from somewhere other than a junkyard? (or at least the arm rests?

: thanks,
: shannon

I don't know about the other stuff but I'm using the armrest's from an 81 capri they match pefectly.

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