Re: Subframe connectors? Rollcage?

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Posted by Steve H. ( on March 31, 2001 at 19:00:57:

In Reply to: Subframe connectors? Rollcage? posted by Uriah on March 31, 2001 at 11:24:49:

: Anybody have any custom made? I've seen a few for the Mavs and Mustangs
: but DON"T want them hanging underneath the car. I guess I'll be
: getting the 8 point bar from S&W but I need something to tie it into.

: The bolt on connectors don't look to me like the hot set up. I remember
: somebody did them on a Mustang (68 I think) where they notched the floor
: pans to install them, seems to be the best way to go about it. Anybody
: else try this?

I bought a set of weld in subframe connectors for 89.oo from Chassis Engineering, P/N 3645. 1-800-327-9402

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