Posted by rickyracer ( on March 04, 2001 at 14:32:24:
In Reply to: replaced modulator valve............(more) posted by Jay Allen on March 04, 2001 at 01:29:36:
carbon is usually from oil deposits. Might want to pull your head apart and have it milled just a touch to make sure it's straight. Clean it and magnuflux it. easy to do while you have it apart.
: i figured what the heck, i might as well replace the head gasket since i had the part anyways. As i pulled off the valve cover, i was looking at the rocker arm assembly as i was pulling it off something at the back of it caught my eye, i was a broken friggin' rocker arm. I cant get another one till monday, so basically im screwed for the weekend. Also i noticed another thing there was already A LOT of carbon built up in the cylinders. What do u guys think is goin on? There is only like 4 hours of running time on the rebuild, i dunno what the heck is goin on