This is insane! (header question)

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Posted by Larry Pomorski ( on March 01, 2001 at 23:57:01:

Well I just got a set of Summit Racing headers for the swapped-in
302 in my '75 and guess what - They don't fit...Not even close.
The passenger side fits fine of course. The driver's is a different
story. The header needs to come forward 1 inch, but it cannot due
to major contact with the steering box. This is INSANE! My car is
a '75, originally with an I6, power steering & brakes. I've since
converted to manual steering & brakes, with the original steering box. Are the steering boxes different for other years? There is no physical way the driver's side header will fit.
Summit Racing headers are made by Flowtech. Well they suck.
If anyone knows of headers that will fit for sure please let me know.
I'll be returning these to Summit & would like to buy a new set from them that fits. I've had good luck with Hedman's - maybe I'll try them.
Thanks in advance
- Larry

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